Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bibbidy bobbidy BOOOOO

Just want to start by saying that Halloween III Season of the Witch has got to be one of the STUPIDEST horror movies I've even seen.  I have seriously been jonesing for a quality scare this Halloween season, and sadly it has been a total bust. Haunted house...nope; gods of the small screen aren't helping either.

Alas.....onward and upward.

Day 3 of 16's grounding from her favorite electrical toys brought forth more eye rolls etc..  Awoke to the dulcet tones of 8 and 16 waging war (I have lost count as to which one we are currently at) and as much as I want to be Switzerland and have them sort these issues out themselves I feel strongly that someone must be on 8's side to help her....not favoritism, but advocacy.  This is a point of contention between Big Daddy and myself.  Problem is I feel for her, likely because I know what it feels like to feel not in control of one's self and like you don't fit; I only wish someone had been there to understand me, so I do it for her.

Anyway, left the house to do some groceries and to let the dust settle.  Came back to girls doing their pumpkins on the kitchen floor.  Turns out Old Dog likes pieces of pumpkin to eat.  Big Dog took a taste but then spat it out and made a face. (yes, dogs do make their feelings known with facial expressions, sounds and body language... I defy you to prove me wrong ;) ) Tried to lay down and have a bit of a rest, only to hear Big Daddy (butterfingers) break several glass items.  I will have to reconsider instating a "you break it, you bought it" rule around this place.

 16 took 8 out trick or treating with the Next Doors and some other kids from the street.  Seriously stunned by the low turn out...very much like election day. Must be something in the water around here.  Little Nana came to visit as she always does on Halloween and brought treats for the girls.

Old Dog has crawled into a laundry basket of folded clothing in search of this night's comfort, and has challenged Big Daddy to a duel of snores.  I am a lucky, lucky girl!  ;)

Well, at least 16 told me she loved me tonight...things may be looking up. **yay**

Dishpan Hands

Saturday is housecleaning day.  I set 8 onto the task of cleaning her room before her friend came to play.  I offered the option to 16 of either kitchen or bathroom.....she choose bathroom, believing it to be the easier of the tasks.  We just received a recall notice for the electronics controlling the heating element in our dishwasher.  So until the repair, we are back to manual labour of washing dishes, and of course children are notorious for not enjoying manual labour, especially dishes!

And so, I set about the task of washing the dishes that had accumulated, while overseeing 8 as she cleaned her room, one task at a time.  You see, because of the ADHD, 8 must be given her jobs in single items at a time, or else it becomes too big of a hill for her to climb. I'm pleased to report she did a splendid job.

16 is of course still baring a grudge due to her grounding.  I was treated to eye rolls and 'tude most of the day, and then the revelation that she was willing to forgo showers for the week in exchange for the return of her precious straightener! I just stared at her, speechless... and quite grateful that we would not have to endure 16 for a showerless week.

We ordered pizza for supper.....and after an hour and a half it had not arrived.  It took three calls before I had any answers.... was put on hold, was hung up on; I mean seriously-- for a damned pizza??!  I have to seriously wonder why the heck we as people put up with that kind of crap.  McDonald's constantly messes up our order, yet we return.  This isn't the first  time this pizza place has screwed up our order in one way or another, and yet I was surprised at  the delay.  Crazy crazy crazy.

And then of course, there are more dishes...which of course I received no help from 16, who bid me a barely civil goodnight before heading to bed.  But it was I who had the last laugh..... she cleaned the toilet!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Today is the first post of the rest of my blog

So I  grounded 16... (yes, for the purpose of this blog my girls will be numbers...just go with me on this)  took away the mobile, the ipod and **gasp** the hair straightener.  Momma don't abide by bad manners.  If the worst thing in her world is non staightened hair and no texting for a week, I'm pretty sure that's the world I want.

8 has ADHD, you should know it right now.  Some parts of  it are hillarious, and others break my heart.  16 believes she is a vegetarian (I say believes because you can't hate salads and claim to be a vegetarian IMHO) and some parts of it are hillarious and others break my heart. lol

I was really looking forward to a good scare tonight at the "haunted house" that a local retailer was putting on.  Sadly, not even a flinch...  What happened to a good old fashioned scare?? Nowdays it's blood and gore and depravity.  Holy crap I believe I just channeled my dad!!

Mostly ready for Halloween.  We'll decorate the outside and do pumpkins on Sunday, and clean house least  that's my plan.  If they are smart, the girls will follow my lead.

Have  I mentioned 8 loves to sing?  Have I  mentioned she sings like her dad?? **cringe**  Now I love my girls, I so do, and I tell them that there is NOTHING they can't do if they put their minds to it.  So I absolutely CANNOT tell her that she can't sing.  I may have to invest in ear plugs and just let her rip...

16....sometimes she is a real piece of work....which means to say she's her mamma's girl. She's smart, beautiful and has a good heart.  She has suddently developed a suspicious love of hockey. She watches the local team and she watches NFL. One of the local players is in some of her classes at school (let's call him #8).  I believe 16 and #8 have a thing for each other though she adamantly denies it. They bug each other, and she hangs out and talks to him after games. I'm not pushing it for now.

Well, I think that's it for tonight.  As a very wise and good woman once said...learn something.