Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blogger oh Blogger, where for art thou Blogger?

 Ah what a neglectful thing I have been.  So much came up and sadly, though I had material, I was just not up to getting it down.  So I shall give a slight re-cap (though re-cap isn't the  right word if I haven't previously shared it now is it??) of what I missed sharing.

1. In this day and age, what possible reason could grown people have for NOT WASHING their hands after using the bathroom?!?  I was in the bathroom at our Zellers store (if you've been in it, you know it smells like it's already not the cleanest place)   waiting for 8 and in just that few moments I witnessed no fewer than THREE women walk out of the stalls and right out the door!!

2. Meandering people meandering across the path of the car in parking lots.  If you are crossing, cross already.  Don't do it on an angle in slow motion.... GO already.

3. Speed humps, pillows, cushions...what ever the hell you want call these additions to the streets in hopes of curbing (curbing....get it??  Streets - curbs....LOL) people's crazy speed addictions etc... The city pays material and labour to have them installed on one of our streets (ok, lots of our streets, but I'm talking about one in particular) not too long ago, and when I was driving on it a few days ago, they've removed them, to replace them with other bumps or whatever.  Could they not have simply added to what was already there??  I guess that didn't cost enough.

4. 16 has finally admitted to me that she likes Hockey Boy! The two of them dance around it, but the way they are with each other tells the tale.

5. Poor 8 ..... We were discussing her ADHD and she takes it very personally that it effects mostly boys over girls.  She has a Monday afternoon group that deals with some of the issues that kids with ADHD deal with, and of course it's ALL BOYS!  I told her that she is lucky that way, because she's smarter and stronger than any old boy....she didn't buy that.  On the plus side, she just discovered that one of her good friends ( a girl) has just been diagnosed.  I believe this will give her some peace of mind.

Oh, would someone please tell me who thought up those cute little panty liner things in their adorable little colourful packages the size of a teabag??  I mean seriously now.... obviously not meant for someone who has to use serious tampons and ginormous pads.  So completely and totally unfair!!  My pads are definitely not packaged to be pretty. Well, must just be sour grapes from someone who believes her period is just a waste of time at this point in her life.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Meandering, Speed Cushions and Exs... oh my poor heart

Ahh, so sorry dear blog to have left you so long... it's been an odd week.

So, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, as I frequently do these days sadly enough.  My retched blood pressure was high(3 digit diastolic = bad) - again and so my darling Doctor sent me to the ER to be monitored for the evening. New meds, iv, heart xray and bruising from the bp cuff.

Enough of this, on to the fun.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rattle Snake Eggs and Crystal Skull Vodka

So, just to clarify.... some people, for reasons unbeknownst to me, happen to find extreme humor in my immense embarrasment and discomfort. Sadly, I appear to be an easy target.  Oh, if you know my family....please, PLEASE don't bring up KY Jelly..EVER!

That being said, I spent the day with Toothfairy today. She treated to a free McDonald's coffee while we toured Home Hardware, Dollarramma and WalMart for Christmas craft ideas.  Everywhere we went, people asked her "why aren't you at work??" as if she was skipping third period.  She almost go us  banned from Walmart by scaring the CRAP out of a staffer in crafts (her parents also had the good taste to give her my name, so she was really spooked when Toothfairy called to me while standing mere centimetres from the poor woman) Apparently Wally World doesn't appreciate patrons making the staff jumpy.

So,  as to jumpy  (spoiler allert)  we returned to Toothfairy's house for lunch  and I sat at the kitchen table only to see an envelope marked "Rattle Snake Eggs" peeking out from under a book. I asked what Umma Gumma was doing with rattle snake eggs; Toothfairy said "oh those are old.  Haven't  you seen them before?  Have a look." I shrug and begin to gently pull the envelope out from under the book and closer to me when all of a sudden it begins to shake, rattle and move.  I  shreek, jump out of my chair and sprint (those of you who know me, can you actually picture me sprint??) back 10 feet to the living room.  As I peek around the doorframe I hear hysterical, riotous laughter.  Umma Gumma is killing himself laughing from behind their bedroom door.  In fact, he is laughing so hard tears are streaming down his face.  Toothfairy is also snickering.  Inside the envelope was some contraption of springs and stuff, specifically meant to zero in on naive, innocents such as myself!  Aparently my entertainment value tickled him for hours and hours as he continued to laugh himself silly.   Well I never!

On my way  home I stop at my friend Deputy D's house to drop off the key I had while watching their critters last week.  I watch their animals most every time they are away..... despite the high number of fatalities.  I am not kidding.  They joke that I am cursed, and I am terribly frightened every time I enter their house. The first was the hamster that got free of his luxurious habitat.  Next was a tank full of fish that were all belly up on my first day.  Then there was the ancient Hedge Hog that I had to wrap up and put in the freezer for burial at a later date ( had to poke her several times to be certain she wasn't just sleeping).  Lastly was the cat.  I walked in and thought he was laying on the mat waiting for me...until he didn't move when I walked in...or called him, or poked him.  That one was the hardest; I lost it.  Thankfully my neighbour has experience in a vet clinic, so between sobs I told Big Daddy to go fetch her; she helped me clean up and bag the kitty and we put him in the deep freeze.

Deputy D came back from her time away with another puppy...her son was teasing me by saying the puppy was dead simply because I had touched it. Deputy D told him to behave, as I was likely watching the pets before which exact moment the puppy chose to growl...and everyone howled in laughter.

I figure I got the last laugh though....chocolates and the elusive Crystal Skull vodka with matching glasses!!  Damned  rattle snake eggs....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

WICKED Wednesday!!!

"I've heard it said, that people come into your life, for a reason..."

So yes, 16 and I took a bus tour to T.O. to see Wicked (I have been desperate to see this for years).  The bus was full of little old ladies, some old men and a very annoying teen. (NO, not 16).  Traffic was horrible, we arrived with only about an hour before the show, which left very little time to grab lunch.

As we walked up the street behind the Cannon Theatre, one of the groups from  our bus (the one with the annoying teen) passed us, heading back to the bus and the one woman was carrying a stack of  Fibre Plus bars. (very unusal, we thought, to come to TO just for an armload of granola bars). Well, as we began to walk past a  Budget rental truck, a man threw a couple of boxes at us!  Wicked weird don`t you think?

So we carried our 2 boxes of Fibre Plus bars into the Hard Rock Cafe, sat at the bar (yes, I took my 16yr old to the bar oooooo) whic h immediately caught the eye of the bartender (Chris apparently hadn't eaten lunch yet, proven by how he drooled over the bars)  So for the price of one free granola bar, he took amazing  care of us.  Not that we were being cheap, but we had some fries, and of course we are both water drinkers. With so little time that was the best we needed to save our appetites for the Mandarin (oh the Tiramisu....later, not now, later)

The seats were amazing...mezzanine...slightly off centre and only the maybe 3rd row.  The actors...oh my heck.  I cried, I laughed and I nearly peed my pants!(pretty sure the theatre would have frowned on that) Sadly there was an empty box with two seats, the only unoccupied box which was begging for patrons.  Kept telling 16 we should help the poor box by sitting there and putting it out of it's misery... but that mouthy usher who kept loudly announcing that he could and WOULD confiscate any cameras or cell phones he caught taking photos would likely confiscate us.

I seriously would have stayed for the evening performance too.  I wish it was staying longer; I would so go again.

Traffic was still freakishly horrible after the show.. Bill the driver said it was the worst traffic day he had experienced.

We got to the Mandarin...if you have never been, it is such an experience.  Tables and tables of food, desserts, comfort food, sushi -you name it.  16 and I sat by ourselves; obviously no one liked us enough to join out table or invite us to theirs.  No  worries, we were much better company, and neither of us mocked the other for return visits to the buffet.

My favorite part of the entire day??   Spending it with 16 of course.  She laughed when I told her that. She will learn one day when   she has her own nose miners.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good Golly Miss Molly!

I am pretty sure the lab we took 8 to for her blood tests this morning is NEVER going to let us back in the door again! It took 1HOUR from the time they called us to when we left...all because of the HUGE fit 8 pulled when they tried to take her blood. It took Big Daddy, myself and 2 nurses to hold her still so that they could finally get the needle in.  I honestly thought they were going to  strap her down to a board before it was all over.

Speaking of strapping down to a board, it reminds me of when 16 was only about 2 or 3 years old and Big Daddy was watching her.  She got her hands on this little plastic thing that vaguely resembled an M&M and shoved it up her nose.   We tried everything to get it out, and finally had to take her to the doctor`s office. They tried and tried to remove it with no luck. We were sent to an Ear Nose and   Throat specialist.   16 was subsequently  strapped to a board ( they called it the papoose).  She begged and pleaded to be released over and over, Mommy mommy please Please, I be good I be good.  I can laugh now, but I cried an ocean of tears that day.

So Old Dog wanders into our room, mozies up to the dirty laundry and pulls some items out so as to make himself a comfortable bed.  Big Daddy stares at him ( Old Dog is deaf and I believe he is loosing his sight) and the dog does not seem to notice. As he turns to lay down, he sees Big Daddy and all of a sudden you can tell he is thinking, shit - busted. Big Daddy kicks him out of the room and that is that..the Alpha Male has won.

 Old Dog is happily snoring from on his bed of dirty laundry.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Monday...what can I say?

Before I get started...I'm doing the countdown to 16 and I heading to T.O. to see WICKED!!  so, two sleeps left; thanks eversomuch Big Daddy!

So, poor 16 is taking lots of ribbing about her hockey attraction and yes, I am likely the guiltiest of the guilty parties.  Little Nana asked what 16 wants for her birthday and I said either a gift card to Old Navy or buy her a hockey player.  To me, and to the Weekend Daughter it seems so OBVIOUS that the guys is crazy about her from the way he teases her and the things he says to her.  But who am I to say...I'm just mom.  It's all very teenage dream to me. (and 16 just came in and said "shut up I hate you" only to follow it with an I love you when I protested.  Sheesh...hormones!) 

Momentary interruption while Big Daddy hops around in his chair because an ad for the Nutcracker (or Ball Breaker as he calls it) came on during Dancing with the Stars.  GO Derek and Jennifer!!

8 had a dr apt today which lead to exactly the inevitable traumatic issue that I knew was coming.....dun dun dun...blood work.  Those who don't know, 8 HATES needles.  It usually takes me, Big Daddy and a nurse to hold her down. Oh yes, and she must fast.  Anyone who has met my little love bug 8, knows she is almost always hungry.  So I have resorted to bribery; the promise of breakfast out after the test tomorrow. I hope that in the future 8 and 16 don't blame us, her endocrinologically incompatible parents for all the needles they have had to suffer through.  lol

Finally, how does one tell their own flesh and blood that maybe their dream may not be a reality.  8 loves to sing...just today she was dressed in a long shirt (supposed to portray a short dress) and heels singing in front of the mirror.  She told me her game plan is to be a singer when she is sixteen ( a la Bieber) and then have an actual dress that is short like her shirt.  I told her it would have to be longer because I would not approve something so short as to show off her bum when she bends over. "Mom, don't be silly, I won't be bending over when I'm singing!"  What WAS I thinking??? 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

So Happily Saturday

Had lunch yesterday with good friends "Tooth Fairy" and "Design Diva".  We've been friends since college and we have the best get togethers from Ladies night to lunch.

So I arrived at the restaurant first....anyone who knows me knows that I  have, let's call it problematic punctuality, so being there half and hour before the other two is momentous.  Sadly,that is about all that went my way at lunch, as far as the restaurant was concerned.  I was seated and asked for some water.  I believe they either specially imported the water from Belleville or melted numerous individual ice cubes to fill my glass as it took over 15 minutes.

Tooth Fairy arrived next and asked for some tea, which took slightly less time. Must have been something special about Design Diva, because her bevvy came almost instantly...then again might be because she ordered a pint!

Now, I'm not going to say that the waitress was blond.... let's just call her a fair haired girl who didn't grasp the hint that we were very ready to order.  We finally did get to order food ** thank goodness**  and gabbed like crazy while we waited. 

Food arrives and we are all starving, but my salad didn't look right; definitely NOT the dressing I had wanted.  Okay says I, I will ask them to fix it, but I can start in on the yummy avocado spring rolls I was salivating to try, but alas, I cut into them and find NOT avocados. So Tooth Fairy calls over the waitress and tells her that none of my lunch was correct.  Hmmm...all I heard was spring rolls. Design Diva said she was relatively certain that the fair haired one had not actually heard anything I said and had almost called her on it.

Anyhow, long wait for replacement salad (likely do to having to grow the greens I'm certain) and finally receiving the right spring rolls was followed by a phone call from Big Daddy, telling me the school had called and 8 had a "sore mouth" and wanted to come home.(so much for mom's easy day)

Have I mentioned 16's new found love of  the pucks and sticks??  So last night was another game and she and my weekend daughter  took 8 with them. Nothing gets attention more than an 8 yr old girl wanting autographs.  16 denies it strongly, but I have a feeling she likes one boy in particular who shares her bio class.  Weekend Daughter agrees with me that Hockey Boy acts like he is partial to 16 too.  ;)  Just don't tell 16 or she may sock ya one.

Getting a little ahead of myself, but you could have absolutely knocked me over when I got an email notifying me that Jann Arden is following me on Twitter.  ME!! I am a huge fan;  she's funny, talented and intelligent.

Soooo....needed some plumbing work done and Tooth Fairy's hubby Umma Gumma da Plumma was sweet enough to assist.  Of course dinner was in it for them too.  Big Daddy and Umma Gumma busied themselves, 16 went to the mall with the weekend daughter and 8 kept herself busy all while Tooth Fairy and I went out and ran some errands.

This city's drivers were in rare form today.  People... it is not a lifetime commitment to turn a corner, just do it!  You do not require the length of three football fields between where you are and the  next car coming towards you before you can go.  Right on red IS still legal, and if you cannot recall the rules of a four way stop, re-read the book!  Sometimes I believe I need a loud speaker on my car to gently remind drivers of these simple things...Tooth Fairy says she can see it making the local news about some crazy lady and her loud speaker attacks on drivers.  (momentary interruption as I try to get past the stench of Old Dog's noxious geriatric dog farts)

Discovered today that Big Dog doesn't much care for men in baseball caps..

Funniest discussion at dinner, and trust me, there was LOTS of funny, was brought about by Tooth Fairy looking at 8's gums and finding a canker sore, which she explained came from the acid or ph balance being off.  16 proceeded to explain that she had done a lab in bio similar to that and could fix 8's problem....first she would have to change 8 into a clear liquid, drop some chemical into her, thus turning her pink, after which she could turn her back into a girl. 8 just stared at her and said "you want to turn me into a pink smoothie??  8 smoothie, you want to make me into an 8 smoothie??"

So, I sit here tonight in a house of seriously snoring Big Daddy, smelly farting Old Dog, baseball hat issues Big Dog, hockey crazed bio nerd 16 and 8, who is likely dreaming of being turned into a big pink puddle smoothie.  8 smoothie!  I do so love my family.  Maybe tomorrow the cats will be interesting.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

And so now we are at Wednesday..

Just to start off, I did a little happy dance because the President's Choice Insiders Report came out!!  Love all the new products and cannot wait to try them (except for maybe the Scicilian Lemon Chicken potato chips....I do believe I shall pass on that  **grossio**. )

Yesterday was a bit of a bad night, therefor no blog entry. But here I am, back at it today.

So, 16 is chomping at the bit to get her toys back.  Big Daddy, big softy that he is and doesn't like to admit it wants me to put out the straightener tonight so she can have it back before school tomorrow,  despite my having told 16 she would have to wait until after school.

8 has an appointment with the specialist for her ADHD tomorrow.  We will have to discuss some of the problems at school and hopefully come up with solutions that will not require more drugs.

We've started making our plans to go away for Christmas.  We haven't travelled for the holidays in years.  Normally, just Big Daddy, 16, 8 and myself. Little Nana Christmases with the "one I have no desire to discuss".  They say you can't choose your family, but they don't say you have to like them. So anyway, we are planning to spend Christmas at my aunt's farm.  Huge family Christmases there from what I hear.    I should explain that I am the aunt is biological.  Others that I may or may not mention are not biological.

So I will have to start my Christmas workings sooner that usual.  Apple Butter, Cranberry Chutney maybe some jam...ornaments, candy and stuff.

Wow... I am boooring tonight. Everyone's asleep... Big Daddy and Old Dog are of course, SNORING very loudly, and Big Dog just freaked out over something and scared a cat....he's a very clumsy dog, so just like in the cartoons his feet move, pulling up the floor and he goes no where.

I'm thinking that if I have nothing spectacular to blog about, I am going to tell you about our visit to Big Daddy's sister's cottage this past summer...oh what a story!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Taco Monday..

Three guesses what was for dinner tonight?  lol

16 went from I love you, to I don't like you, to I love you, so I'm very very confused!  She has been trying to convince me to give back at least one of the confiscated items before the grounding is done.  She's also trying to have the whole grounding scrapped early.  I am holding my ground; nothing until Thursday.

I'm fairly certain 8 has been sneaking Halloween candy without me seeing her. I am however seeing the sugar high antics that are resulting. Thankfully she is sound asleep. School picture retakes are tomorrow, so there  will be an early morning glam session. Here's hoping 8 doesn't fight waking up

On about the same topic of sleep...wish  I could.   I have stupid health issues that make me fatigued, give me insomnia and overall icky feelings.  Crazy eh?  I do my best to keep up appearances for 8 and 16, and sometimes even for Big Daddy, because moms are supposed to be strong and don't get sick days. Oh well, enough pity party.

Well, turns out we didn't win $50 million in Loto Max. The girls' wish lists will have to wait for now.  As will my dream of owning my own tea room.  One day, I certainly hope anyway.  For now I'll just be happy to pull off Christmas. The older they get, the more expensive the toys on Santa's list.

So, Big Daddy is snoring, as is Old Dog(who is, thankfully sharing space with 16).  Big Dog has just finished his rounds for the night, assuring himself we are all safe and sound (good boy).  The kitties are all settling in, sharing they purrs. I am snug in bed, finishing this up so I can watch Volcano in  hopes  of falling asleep.

Hopefully soon Big Daddy is going to get the space bar on this laptop's driving me NUTS!(

Goodnight Moon!