Thursday, November 11, 2010

WICKED Wednesday!!!

"I've heard it said, that people come into your life, for a reason..."

So yes, 16 and I took a bus tour to T.O. to see Wicked (I have been desperate to see this for years).  The bus was full of little old ladies, some old men and a very annoying teen. (NO, not 16).  Traffic was horrible, we arrived with only about an hour before the show, which left very little time to grab lunch.

As we walked up the street behind the Cannon Theatre, one of the groups from  our bus (the one with the annoying teen) passed us, heading back to the bus and the one woman was carrying a stack of  Fibre Plus bars. (very unusal, we thought, to come to TO just for an armload of granola bars). Well, as we began to walk past a  Budget rental truck, a man threw a couple of boxes at us!  Wicked weird don`t you think?

So we carried our 2 boxes of Fibre Plus bars into the Hard Rock Cafe, sat at the bar (yes, I took my 16yr old to the bar oooooo) whic h immediately caught the eye of the bartender (Chris apparently hadn't eaten lunch yet, proven by how he drooled over the bars)  So for the price of one free granola bar, he took amazing  care of us.  Not that we were being cheap, but we had some fries, and of course we are both water drinkers. With so little time that was the best we needed to save our appetites for the Mandarin (oh the Tiramisu....later, not now, later)

The seats were amazing...mezzanine...slightly off centre and only the maybe 3rd row.  The actors...oh my heck.  I cried, I laughed and I nearly peed my pants!(pretty sure the theatre would have frowned on that) Sadly there was an empty box with two seats, the only unoccupied box which was begging for patrons.  Kept telling 16 we should help the poor box by sitting there and putting it out of it's misery... but that mouthy usher who kept loudly announcing that he could and WOULD confiscate any cameras or cell phones he caught taking photos would likely confiscate us.

I seriously would have stayed for the evening performance too.  I wish it was staying longer; I would so go again.

Traffic was still freakishly horrible after the show.. Bill the driver said it was the worst traffic day he had experienced.

We got to the Mandarin...if you have never been, it is such an experience.  Tables and tables of food, desserts, comfort food, sushi -you name it.  16 and I sat by ourselves; obviously no one liked us enough to join out table or invite us to theirs.  No  worries, we were much better company, and neither of us mocked the other for return visits to the buffet.

My favorite part of the entire day??   Spending it with 16 of course.  She laughed when I told her that. She will learn one day when   she has her own nose miners.

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