Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mystical Universe Riddles

So today started out well enough..... I woke up, and there were no grey hairs (none that had come uncoloured anyway), I didn't fall down and hurt myself (or stand up and hurt myself as many of you know I am actually prone to) and basically I felt pretty good.  So I decided to fold laundry and pile it up for everyone to put away.  And with the intention to follow medical advice of not overdoing (such as I had on the weekend and paid for dearly) I proceeded 1 basket at a time, watching old Harry Potter movies as I did.

I really did start out with the best of intentions....but we know what is said of the best of intentions.  And so mine did (go straight to hell) with every passing of the open doorway to 16's room. Why, oh why is  it that a teenager must have a bedroom floor obliterated by piles upon piles of clothing??  Why must there always be empty cans and bottles, dirty dishes and such?  Why must the bed be in a constant state of unmadeness?  Why do I  always expect the next time to be different; that it will remain clean and tidy, the clean clothes making it to their rightful place and the dirty ones being put in for washing?

And so, feeling  that I would not be a dutiful mother if I didn't do my utmost to assist my daughter who is soooo busy with school, part time job and lifeguard training? So in I bravely go, where it clearly looks as if no mother has ever gone before, armed with empty laundry baskets and a bundle of hangers and a desire to do a good deed.  I place all her precious to be hung items on hangers and lay them on the space I have cleared on her bed ( I'm not a saint, I won't do everything for her, she can damned well hang them up n'est ce pas?), I pick up the empty bottles and can and place them in one of the couple of dozen different shopping bags from any of the numerous stores she likes to frequent, and I begin the arduous task of gathering up the dirty(may not have started dirty but as soon as she dumped them on the floor who is to say).  Several baskets later and I could see the floor.  Yipeee!

I would love to say that she was speechless with gratitude, that she was wrought with worry that I had over done it, that I had caused myself terrible pain to my body with all of the bending and scooping and lifting.  I would really love to say that..... but sadly that was not the case.  Apparently, in the perfect world of a teenager, good mothers suffer in silence, and don't loose sleep over trifles such as messy rooms and dirty laundry.

Did any one else know that a chore schedule, cute stickers and rewards would actually get chores done???  It is absolutely amazing.....except of course it doesn't extend as far as bedrooms.

And seriously.......where do the socks go??

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