Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Disappointment is in the Pudding

 Do you know why there are holes in Canadian Swiss Cheese??  They are caused by gases, which dilate the cheese body before it becomes firm.

Happy Hump Day y'all!!!   Do you have any idea what kind of sick perverted images come up on the screen when you google Hump Day??  Wow the intenet can be a dirty dirty little place.

So I tried the pudding thickening at 1.5 hr, not even at, let it sit in the pot, and it's still a non thickened smelly liquid with rice on the bottom.  I am soooooo disappointed.  I love rice pudding and was so hoping this would be such an easy recipe.  Oh well. 

To curb today's disappointment, I decided to make use of the phylo pastry I just happened to have thawing in my fridge, chopped up some apples and made two "strusel" type things and an maple apple galette kind of thing. I guess they are okay, but I think they were missing something.  I'll need to practice more.  I've never played with phylo before.

I had horrible bad dreams last night.  This is odd, as I adore horror movies...they make me laugh even. ( except for some reason Signs with Mel Gibson, it really made me uncomfortable.  Wanted to pick up the tv and put it in the freezer until I wasn't freaked out again.  How You Doo'in?? ) 

 Big Daddy thows off enough heat to be his own furnace, so I was feeling way too warm and went to lay out on the sofa with my "relaxation" music on the ipod.   Ipod dies; not charged, so I'm left laying in the dark and quiet.   I started to get these flashes of light behind my closed lids, kind of like  quick flashes of computer code or some dumb shitake mushrooms.  I opened my eyes and for just a split second I'm sure someone was standing over me.  Some crazy reason leads me to believe it was a woman. 

I of course freaked out and ran back to the bedroom and woke up Big Daddy who told me nothing was there and everything was fine.  ( I'm 5 right?? did you check under the bed too daddy??)  I quess it took a few hours for him to get me to fall peacefully back to sleep.  9 wandered into our room around 5, unable to sleep because she wasn' t feeling well, and she tells me Big Daddy practically begged her not to wake me up because of how long it took to get me back to sleep.

Tomorrow I have another councelling session with a really nice woman who comes to the house once a  week to talk to me about my feelings.  I was kind of rude and bitchy last week, which was right after being released from the hospital.  Those who know me know I can be bitchy, but rude, well mama don't abide by rude.   So I will humbly apologize and do my very best to behave tomorrow.  Guess if I realized I had behaved badly, perhaps the new meds might be working

Now, comes the decision of the next recipe to try.  And I'm asking for input on this. I will give options from different catagories.   First I have an appealing looking  "rustic salmon quiche".  Then there is a delectible looking  "10 minute Tiramisu".  Next is a "Pomegranate Martini" (yes, I had to throw in some kind of adult libation) Or, one of  the many roasted vegetable recipes I have..

Okay, folks, that's it.  Give me the input as to what I should try next... I have stacks of choices and I think it'd be cool to go through all of them.  Seems very "Julie and Julia" but I assure you it ain't.

And I shall leave y'all with this little nursery rhyme of old.  You may just learn something about yourself based on the day you were born  (LOL).  And if  you wonder, I was born on Mother's Day   ;)

Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day
Is bonny and blithe and good and gay.

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