I woke up this morning with some energy and the determination not to waste it. So, up I got, donned my rubber gloves and filled a bucket with hot water and bleach. I headed down to the front foyer, pulled apart the hall closet, bagged up the items that no longer fit any of my family members, scrubbed the floor, put back what was being kept and moved onto the rest of the entryway. De-clutter has become my favorite catch phrase around here.
I feel that de-cluttering is going to simplify my life and clear away any excess ..... what to call it .... energy? shui?? Anyway, maybe spiritual house cleaning is even required as Pie Man's Wife suggested to me. She and I visited a place several years back to get some white sage (wrapped up like a big fat doobie) to smudge at their apartment because of some spirits in residence. So maybe I'll take a trip to that store and find some smudging herbs for myself.
Anyway, so my energy was still up enough to make a lemon raspberry bundt cake and two loaves of banana bread after dinner. 16 came home from her 1st exhausting day of the weekend. Teaching swimming and then attending classes for her lifeguard training. She will sooooo be passing out when she gets home tomorrow night from day 2. Plus it appears she has picked up some extra classes to teach.
9 spent the late afternoon and evening at her best bud's dad's place, and of course the typical attempt to finagle a sleep over, which was quickly and expertly waylaid by us parents. 9 was absolutely bouncing out of her skin when she got home, but the crash came quick as I knew it would. I myself am actually feeling my own crash begin.
Now, I have yet to be given ANY INPUT on what recipe to try next. So I have been left to make my own choices. I am going to start with the 10 min Tiramisu....looks yummy and only 6 simple ingredients. I'm also going to do the Rustic Salmon Quiche...Big Daddy likes salmon and likes quiche. If these turn out, I will share the recipe and photos.
Well, night night all. I'm going to have some tea and watch the end of Skeleton Key.
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