Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air? Can't live can't breathe with no air.

Ok. so anyone who has been reading my blog knows I've been very VERY laxed in updating.  The reason is that I have been fighting health issues; mental and physical health issues.  I've been keeping a journal to try and record my feelings, but some days exhaustion, pain and frustration keep me from doing it.  I've had a hard time, bad time and as Big Daddy tells me, I need to take my recovery one breath at a  time.  So, maybe I can share each breath, or some of the easier ones to share, here in my blog.  No, it's not going to be a soapbox kind of thing, or a tell-all therapy session.  Some of it's funny, some of it's sad... and some just make me extremely exhausted. So, onward and upward.

Asthma.. (from the Greek άσθμα, ásthma, "panting") is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, reversible airflow obstruction, and bronchospasm.[1] Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. In 2009 asthma caused 250,000 deaths globally. (thanks Wikipedia)  So Friday at and Saturday down to the ER at KGH I go * dragged actually by Big Daddy because I've had my FILL of hospitals* because of my stupid asthma.  Two nights in a row for goodness sakes. (really where on earth does that saying come from... it's like oopsie daisy or holy cow)  Anyway, two nights in a row suck if you're hanging out at the ER.  Looking at the stats of asthma deaths in 2009, don't you think 4 hrs is a very long wait for someone having an asthma attack??  I wheezed, coughed  and Oh, did I mention the overwhelming sense of anxiety?  Have they not read that anxiety can trigger shortness of breath and tightening of the chest?

*** thoughts interrupted by my incredibly ANNOYING next door (basement) neighbours. Banging doors and God only knows (another of these wierd little sayings) what else to my incredible ANNOYMENT. I noticed they were smoking (and NOT your normal cigarettes if you get what I'm saying)  and so I actually took my water bottle and threw water against the vines that divide their area in the basement from our back yard.  I suppose I can blame it on my mental  illness, but seriously, they just piss me off too much on a regular basis.  ;)   ***

Anyway, obviously  I survived the asthma issues as I'm writing this now.  But seriously.....  FOUR HOURS???  I should have just turned blue and they would have taken me faster ---- nah.

So, Simply Irresistible ( little known 1999 Sarah Michelle Gellar movie that I watch literally every time I see it is on)  is on tv right now.  Did you know that when a man is playing with his belt he is thinking about sex?  And that it seems that they, on average, think of sex every 4 minutes??   And did you also know that the only thing that tastes worse than blue cheese and dirt is rum raisin?

Did you know that you can actually injure your ankle simply by standing up??  TRUST ME, I've done it twice now, most recently last week while I was in the hospital.  My friend Geologist  Man finds this extreeeemly funny.  The first time it happened was at work, in the office next to his.  I was on a call, stood up and the pain was unbelievable.  I actually sat in the office, door closed of course, crying for 20 minutes and unsure of what to do.  Any movements made it hurt even more.  Now Geologist Man gets so wrapped up in his work that I wasn't certain he would hear anything I threw at the wall to get his attention.  I finally got myself up and back to my desk.  I called the admin assistant and asked her to come to my desk and to bring an ice pack I kept in the office freezer (it's common knowledge that I am a big klutz....and awkward oompa loompa if you will) and as she as  putting the ice pack on my ankle, or trying to between my flinches. One particular flinch was followed by a not so nice 4 letter word which then brought Geologist Man from his office.  He took a look, decided he needed to take me to the hospital and then laughed the whole way there about having to fill out the accident report, and doing the illustration of how I injured myself by falling off the desk, drunk out of my mind (I wasn't, but you must understand that is his sense of humour).

Well perhaps that is enough for tonight.  OHHH..except I forgot to mention that I have been decluttering, and as such, I have gone through YEARS worth of magazines, pulled out the recipes I wanted and recycled the rest.  So as I try all these recipes, and more as I find them, I shall share with  all  of you....if there is an all of you even reading.   Did you know that the secret to a superb meringue is corn starch???   And if anyone has a vanilla orchid they don't want..I'll take it off your hands!

hugs and cookies!

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